When can I expect my order to be shipped after making an order?
As soon as you make the order you will receive the confirmation email which means your order is securely received. Your order will be processed and shipped usually within 1-3 days, but usually, the very next day after you make the order. The rare exceptions are when we are running a special sale when it might take a couple of days longer but never exceeding 5 days.
Once the order is sent to our logistics company for shipping, you will receive an additional email with shipping confirmation including your order tracking code and details on how to track the shipping status of the order.
What method of payment do you accept?
We accept the below,
When you check out your items in the cart you will go through our secure 128-bit SSL encrypted payment processor, for you to enter your Paypal account details.
How do I place an order?
Ordering online is as simple as selecting what you need and using the shopping cart function before you create an account, this means you can easily log in to our site, access your account information and pay online.
Can I use more than one voucher code per order?
We can only accept discount code per order.
Do you have minimum orders?
There are no minimum quantities so you can order as much or as little as you like. If you are interested in ordering a bulk order for wholesale, email us at kitakebusiness@gmail.com
Can I cancel my order?
Until we approve your order to be made, your order status is “Awaiting processing” - you can cancel it at any time while your order is in this status.
All orders are final when the order Status is “Processing”. If you need to cancel your when the Status is “Processing” there will be a cancellation fee based on how far through the process we are. Currently, the cancellation fee is 50% per item
Please always email kitakebusiness@gmail.com to see what we can do for you.
How can I check my order status?
This can be done by signing in, and going to 'My Account'. Click on 'My Orders' to view all your orders to date.
Where do you ship to?
We ship all over the world so please place a TEST ORDER on our website to check if we are able to ship to your country. However, extra shipping costs may apply if you live in areas that are difficult to ship to.
How much will it cost to ship my order? And how long will it take to arrive?
It currently takes us around 10-25 days for us to hand make your gear before shipping.
Can I make changes to my order once I place it?
you can while your order status is in “Awaiting processing” however no changes can be made once the order status is in “Processing", so make sure you triple check your order before you place it.
Can I return an item?
1) Download, complete and sign the return form at the bottom of this page and include it with your return. If you can’t download it, email us at kitakebusiness@gmail.com and we will email it to you.
2) Include the manufacturer’s packaging and leave all tags intact.
3) Ship your return back to us at
Make sure your return is well packaged and properly insured.
We are straight up people so we will always work hard to make sure you are all good :)
How long will our products last? What are your washing instructions?
Our products are designed to last and colours will NEVER FADE.
Caring For Your Gear
Nice, You have been wearing your Gear!!!
Now you want to know how to keep that awesome design looking good after washing. We recommend that all our Gear be gentle machine washed to maintain their quality.
Do not use any bleach or stain remover on the gear, this will potentially harm the fabric.
Do use either a light washing liquid or washing powder
- Turn T-Shirt inside out
- Wash (taking into account the caution below)
- Drying - Line or cold/warm air dryer
- Put the top back on!!

Welcome to the CosFitness official brand website, founded by Mr. KiTak, a group focused on anime characters' cosplay fitness. CosFitness is inspired by the anime's heroic traits of passion, dignity, and motivation, as well as the goal of encouraging fitness through cosplay.

Mr. KiTak takes its inspiration from heroes' equipment items like the compression suits of MHA All Might the battle-damaged clothes of Dragon Ball Goku and the training 3d skin tops of Attack On Titan Colossal Titan 2.0.We have a Never Give Up and professional design team to constantly update products for our fans. Our cosplay workout attire is extremely comfortable and breathable for you to get the best out of training.

CosFitness - We Are The One
Since We Have Great Passion And Love for It Which Can Be A Rich Source Of Inspiration For Us Keeping Designing.